from a patron submission! - there should be a source citation - if no credible source given then you have no reason to believe it - I'm afraid that we had a bout of earlier unpleasentness on this board by a poster (the first to be banned in the board's operation) who pushes this connection - personally I have had a collection of abusive emails from him, some of his posts (tho I did not see them) were even removed from Manxforums for abuse.
The Stanley connection I've already commented on, is in Seacombe's house of Stanley - however this south of England Radcliffe family had no connection with Knockaloe which is also claimed - to get past the parish regs (and Andreas is unusually well served here) you need to look at land records - they are all on Mormon microfilm eg in 1703 composition book - "Wm Ratcliffe, Ballasteene
for one quarter of land of 36s double rent called Ballaratcliffe compounded for in 1643 by John Ratcliffe fine for this was 30s. lives expired so now to pay "
you can then track back the holdings of these parcels (the rents will be unchanged) via Lib Vast to see the first radcliffe/ratcliffe acquiring the property (eg Knockaloe was probably acquired by a son of Wm Radcliffe the receiver at Peel - this Wm Radcliffe was identified as a member of the NW English family tenants of the Stanleys)- the earliest Manorial roll for Andreas (see manxnotebook) has no Radcliffe holdings.