
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Moore Family
In Response To: Re: Moore Family ()

The IGI LDS [Mormon] index record for Joseph Henry Moore 2nd July 1883 Peel was submitted by a
member and is not a copy of Peel parish baptismal
register. However civil registration of births had begun by then & there is a record for that same date for
Joseph Henry registered at Peel Town/ father William
Moore /mother Eleanor Ann Leece.Peel is in German
Parish but he could indeed have been born in Patrick
Parish just south of the town where the Registrar's office
will have been. Look for yourself at iomfhs.im Go to RESEARCH Births & MOORE page. You can buy a certificate by post with cheque NO cards from the General Registry in Douglas. Service is almost instant if their work level permits.You will then get a birthplace if not a precise address.