
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Mary Caine Kermeen Sayle
In Response To: John Sayle & Mary Kermeen ()

Thank you so very much for looking up these marriages.
It seems that Mary is indeed the same person--marriage #1 to John Kermeen #2 John Sayle

She was ch 12 Mar 1834 Lezayre d/o Philip Caine and his 1st wife Ann Cottier.
This is the Caine ancestor of my friend, Carolyn Caine, and is the family I started on many years ago when I first began my obsession with IOM genealogy. I have indeed come full circle. We never knew what had happened to Mary and now we know, thanks to your information.

I anyone has connections to this line I have information I'm happy to share.
After Ann Cottier died, Philip remarried Catherine Ann Craine.
Ann Cottier was d/o Philip Cottier & Margaret Boddaugh of German.

Thanks so much,