I have a very confusing family of John Morrison + Sarah Gell als Sayle - in 1841 living in Strand St he aged 40 a cooper + a 55 Sarah Morrison (who fits in with d/o John Sayle + Sarah Wilson tho that fam seems to have had 2 sarahs but one may be a dup bapt); two sarah gells are in the house but shown as sep household one aged 10 one aged 18 .
Now in 1851 if I have him correctly identified he is an inn keeper aged 50 (or ?58 as appears to have bar but not like other '8' in the hand)in marine rd - his wife born peel is a Sarah age 40 - a son James age 17 fits in with son of John + sarah gell but that james is not present in 1841. There is a burial of a Sarah Morrison als Gell aged 58 Ger 18430311 and another Sarah Morrison als Gell aged 37 Ger 18590201.
John Morrison is I think father of Charles Morrison (tho again there seems some confusion (?mine) in that he appeared to be born before marriage but in 1851 has a lower age than I expected - he is the father of Sophia Morrison who did so much for Manx Culture