
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Mapping project
In Response To: Re: Mapping project ()

Two more snippetts: Nick Johnson at the Centre for Manx Studies spent major time drawing out the accurate quarterland and treen boundaries on 17 maps. THese are completely accurate and will fit onto any scale map if only youve got the right sort of software.
They are published in Volume 7 of Brodericks placenames and in an inferior production but more affordable in the all Island placename volume by Broderick "A Dictionary of Manx Placenames" 2006 by Engl. Place Name Soc.

The other thing I am reliable advised that Woods Atlas parish maps may be getting scanned but by whom and why I am unsure.

As a matter of record the names and ownership details in Woods Atlas are a direct crib from the Asylum Valuation of 1860, not actually 1839 or 1867. The original Valuation volumes have an extra column with many tenants (or sub-tenants) identified.