
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: where to search?
In Response To: where to search? ()

Sandra has given you the outline.

1881, Peel, district 2, schedule 225, 26 Factory Lane
William Callister, head, married, 41, fisherman at fishing, Peel
Christian, wife, married, 38, Peel
Amanda, daughter, unmarried, 13, scholar, Peel
Elizabeth, daughter, unmarried, 10, scholar, Peel
John, son, 5, scholar, Peel
Alice, daughter, 2, scholar, Peel

1891, Peel, district 2, schedule 135, 3 Beach St
Christian Callister, wife, married, 44, Peel
Armanda, daughter, single, 22, Peel
Christian A, daughter, single, 12, Peel

1901, Peel, district 1, schedule 143, 1 Church St
William Callister, head, widower, 60, master mariner, Peel
Amanda, daughter, single, 26, Peel
Alice, daughter, single, 21, Peel

Age of Amanda in 1901 needs to be checked. I'm away from my microfiche so can't check at the moment.