
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: William Quayle from IOM to Australia

WILLIAM QUAYLE died of at 118 Pleasant Street, Ballarat, Australia on 29th August 1926 aged 87 and his remains are buried along with his wife in the Ballarat Old Cemetery.

Obituary - "Ballarat Courier" September 2 1926:-

"Mr Wm Quayle, who died on Sunday at his residence, 118 Pleasant St, was a
colonist of 67 years and a native of the Isle of Man. He was one of the oldest
building contractors of the city. At one time he was associated with the late
J.C. Williams, in the well known firm of Quayle & Williams.

Some 50 years ago he was associated with Williams and Blake in building the
railway to Buangor, and later built hundreds of railway cottages. Of late years
Mr Quayle has been contracting in the city as a member of the firm Quayle and
Son. For the past 18 months he has been afflicted with a painful malady which
he bravely bore until the end. Had he lived til Friday next he would have
attained his 88th birthday. He was buried on the anniversary of his marriage of
57 years. Hid wife died 15 years before him. From a family of 13 - eleven
survive - 5 sons and 6 daughters.

The funeral took place on Tuesday, when the remains were intered at the Old
Cemetery. There was a very large and representative attendance and members of
the I.O.R. were present in large numbers having been one of the oldest members
of the Order in this district. The City Anglers, South City and Pleasant Street
Cricket Clubs, Officers and members of the Pleasant Street Methodist Church and
the leading contractors and business men of the city were strongly represented.
Rev W.I. Palamountain conducted the serviceand at the graveside, spoke at
length of his knowledge of the deceased during the past 18 months. In that time
he had learned to respect and esteem the grand old man, who suffered intensley
yet with great fortitude. He was a man who lived his piety, in his home,
amongst his friends, and in his daily business. The number assembled there at
th grave site was a fine testimony of the esteem to the character and memory of
a worthy citizen. The coffin bearers at the house were the deceased five sons
viz: Messrs William, Robert, Thomas, Alec and Dave Quayle and W.Quayle
(grandson). At the cemetery the employees of the firm were the bearers viz:
Messrs J. Birkett, T.Luke, J. Wilson, C. Collins, A.J. Sproull and J. Brown.
The Chief Mourners were the abovementioned sons and Mrs J. Letcher, Mrs C.
Page, Mrs J. Morton, Mrs W. Phillips, Mrs Browning and Mona (daughters). Henry,
Will and Alan Quayle and W. Phillips (grandsons). C. Page, W. Phillips, and J.
Morton (sons in law).

The I.O.R. service was tendered by Bro M. Sandall P.C.R. A handsome wreath from
the City Anglers was placed on the casket.
Funeral arrangements by F.W. Barnes & Son".