
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: James Scarffe
In Response To: Re: James Scarffe ()

I think we have been around this family before but from a different angle. I don't believe Lynda's James Scarffe is this particular James (ie, son of James & Cath, grandson of John & Marg). From some notes I have, there is an Episc will of James Scarffe 1833 Lonan which includes a petition of John Scarff Lonan brother: "James died some time ago a bachelor intestate" "James Scarffe the father appointed admin.". I have assumed this James was the one bapt 2 Apr 1804, son of James Scarffe and Catherine Kneal. They had a son John bp 1798, and the father James was alive in 1833 (buried 1856 aged 85 at Lonan).

The only other James that I have that is reasonably close is a James bapt 23 Jan 1803 son of Thomas SCARFF & Eleanor KEWLEY but I think he matches the burial at Lonan 28 Nov 1831 age 27.

So I'm stumped on this one. I haven't researched all the Scarffe's, though. Perhaps there is somebody out there who can sort this one out for Lynda?