
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

problems contacting the civil registry


Have others had problems getting a response from the civil registry to email enquiries? I sent the following query by email (to civil@registry.gov.im) four weeks ago and again one week ago and have not had a reply.

"I have recently made photocopies from the microfilms (supplied by the LDS Church) of the copies of IOM parish registers held by the General Registry. I now wish to reproduce these copies in a published book. Can you tell me how I go about applying for permission to do this? Does the General Registry hold the copyright for this material? If not, can you tell me who does?"

If anyone can help me with:
a better way to contact the registry to get a response (NB I am in Australia so phone would be difficult) eg alternate email
an answer to this query if you have had such an answer from the registry in the past
I would very much appreciate it.

FYI - The MNH Museum answered a similary enquiry (very promptly) and I share their response for anyone interested:

"I am wanting to reproduce copies of entries from the old parish registers - about 7 baptism/marriage entries - for publication in a book.
Can you tell me:
a) if you are able to provide copies from the original registers (I have exact details)?
b) if you can provide copies with provision for these to be reproduced in published form?
c) what the charges for copies and reproduction permission would be?"

"genealogists on the Island who undertake research for a fee ... would be your means of obtaining copies of the seven entries. Payment for the work would be arranged directly with the researcher. As for publication of the entries this would be fine and a reproduction fee would not be payable. The registers of course remain the property of the Manx Church but it does not charge for this type of reproduction. An acknowledgement that the copies are supplied by Manx National Heritage would be appreciated."


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problems contacting the civil registry
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