
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: Cities & History
In Response To: Re: Cities & History ()

That's exactly where I found it and yes, it was the Meridian. Is that your site? Thank you so much. That is the only record I have found of my Quilliam family's immigration. I knew they went between April 1826 when son Joseph was born in IoM and Oct 1827 when son Thomas died in Ohio. Really was able to narrow the time, but didn't find them until today--and the date was perfect, July 1827. Wonder if John is a middle name for Thomas or if they just recorded him wrong. But it is them because everything else fits. The only name I didn't have was daughter Catherine. But she was the right age for the census--all but Carolina Catherine the mother, who claimed to be younger, were in the right age group.

Now I just need some help in finding the birth records for Elizabeth, Margaret/Mary. and Catherine, probably born in Marown where most of the others were born. I only have approximate dates for them.

Thank you for responding.