
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: Rhymes
In Response To: Re: Rhymes ()

Perhaps I'm getting confused but I remember the words below and thought they were from another Hop-tu-naa song - not Ginny the Witch.

I can only recall a small part of it but as a child it seemed to go on and on and I was quite pleased with myself if I got through it and remembered all the words.

Hop-tu-naa puddin and pot
Hop-tu-naa scold me throt
Hop-tu-naa I saw an old woman
Hop-tu-naa she was baking bonnag
Hop-tu-naa I asked her for a bit
Hop-tu-naa she gave me a bit as big as my big toe

(I know this is digressing from the purpose of the bulletin board). Apologies in advance!

If anyone knows more or even it all I'd love to read it.