
Manx Genealogy

Re: Whiteboys Croft location
In Response To: Whiteboys Croft location ()

it's intack these can be anywhere! (the old pre 1704 sequence was in order of enclosure) post 1704 they were often gathered under name of owner - all intacks are numbered and the same sequence occurs in subsequent books - the 1st appearance in Lib assed was usually accompanied by a brief description) but the best way is to find the sequence number (post 1704) then follow thru owners to 1860 then look it up in Woods Atlas (on cd)

in 1704 comp book (among the many page of intacks which one day I will get round to transcribing) is John Teare(Smeal) for several intack rents 16.5d charged with his quarterland - fern rent 20d, white boys croft 4d and pt of Lough Cunner rent 2d

thus you are looking for descent or purchase from sd John Teare - recall that intack unlike qtrland can be disposed of by will