
Manx Genealogy

Re: Cannell history
In Response To: Cannell history ()

I'm also trying to trace Cannells. If you are on Ancestry.com, I started a line from the Ramsey, Hatters. Ann Cannell (under age) marr Wm. Curphey 1829. She died at 10th & last child - Margaret (child) survived. Ann is buried in Michael w/her family. No MIs. I think her parents are John Cannell/Jane Cowley because of a will I have of a John Cannell who's goods were distributed to Ann's sons (Ann being dec'd and Wm. Curphey having remarried, Ann Corjeag. Ann's sibs were Christopher, the John, possibly Tom - Christopher m a Fisher and I've traced what I think is the line from there. However, hard to trace for sure. Let me know if you are interested, I will send you as far back as I've gone. U