12/6/2012> found this archived post from: Vicky Kouba (see below in italics)
I am a related to James Henry Quilliam- he is my great-great grandfather. Frank L. Quilliam is my great grandfather. My Paternal grandmother was one of Frank's children. His wife, her mother died within 2 weeks of my grandmother's birth.
Looking to find any relatives of Frank L. Quilliam (born in San Francisco, CA 1876, or James Henry Quilliam born September 7, 1841 Isle of Man.
post from: Vicky Kouba
Date: 13/1/2000, 6:10 pm
"I am looking for information on and ancestors of my maternal g-grandparents. JAME HENRY QUILLIAM was born September 7, 1841 at Ballahutchim, Dalby. His father was an M.E. minister. James Henry married MARGARET GILL in St. John's. They moved to California, perhaps around 1870; then returned to the Isle of Man; then settled in Castle Rock, Minnesota.
They had 11 children. Fred was born 1874-1876 on the Isle of Man. James Henry (my grandfather) was born in 1884 in Minnesota. Frank and Nellie were also born in the USA. I don't know where Bessie and Dick were born and I don't know the names of the other five children who probably died quite young.
Thanks for any help or leads that anyone can give me.--Vicky Kouba"