
Manx Genealogy

Re: Burial Lookup
In Response To: Re: Burial Lookup ()

Hi Donna,
As I said a bit of a mystery why the mother and son would not be buried together. I've tried to trace Alexander in the IOM 1891 and 1901 census to no avail. My grandfather had three sons Henry born 1886, William born 1889 (both in Toxteth Park, Liverpool) and Alexander born 1890 in Douglas. Their mother died in 1891 so the three boys would have been very young - aged 5, 3 and 1 when she died. My grandfather must have stayed on the island as that's where he met my grandmother, his second wife and married her in 1893. The irish census of 1901 shows my grandmother in Holywood, County Down Ireland and lists Henry and William as stepsons, my grandfather was not present. The puzzling thing is Alexander the son seemed to reside on the island for all of his eighteen years. He wasn't residing with my grandmother in Ireland or my great grandmother in Douglas in either 1891 or 1901, possibly he was raised by another family. I overlooked to mention my grandfather was also called Aexander Miller only recors I have for him is in the 1881 UK census., nothing for the IOM.

Thank you again

Frank Millar