
Manx Genealogy

2 - John Looneys 1777 & 1781
In Response To: Daniel Looney & Ann Cowin ()

Hello Philip,
there are 2 John Looneys as explained below.

Philip said,
Now for the new points, Averil. These both relate to sons of John Looney and Margaret Hutchin, who appear on Constance Radcliffe’s Looney Bwoaillee Losht sheet 2, but which should have formed her Looney Yack sheet 2.
The first is about John jr.’s date of birth (son of Mgt H). Many times (for instance in your posting of 24/8/2011, 3:57 am) you have said that he was born in 1777. CKR does have a John born that year, the eldest, but puts a d against him because she has another John born to the same parents in 1781, who possibly married Ann Costen and died in 1810. That has interesting implications for the 1802 expression “John Looney my son and heir”, for son William, b 1779, was still alive in 1802. What do you make of these 1777 and 1781 Johns?

Averil replied,
The John Looney 1777 and John Looney 1781 – are from 2 different families, information on both of them as follows.

First - John Looney 1777.

John Looney & Margaret Hutchen – had one son named John in 1777.
Their daughter, Esther – was born in 1781

John Looney & Margaret Hutchen had 11 Children,

John Looney m Mary Hutchin Mau 1777-01-18
Children are
JOHN bapt Mau 1777-12-27
WILLIAM bapt Mau 1779-10-31
ESTHER bapt Mau 1781-04-16
DANIEL bapt Mau 1782-12-09
THOMAS bapt Mau 1783-11-19
MARGARET bapt Mau 1785-10-02
ROBT bapt Mau 1787-10-21
DANIEL bapt Mau 1789-06-21
THOS bapt Mau 1791-01-09
ISABEL bapt Mau 1792-08-26
MARY bapt Mau 1797-12-10

as listed underneath the Will of their mother – Margaret Looney als Hutchen in 1803
ht tp://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/famhist/wills/1803_ml.htm

(close gap ht tp)

Second - John Looney 1781

John Looney baptised in 1781- Parents, John Looney & Margt. Christian

name:John Looney
baptism/christening date:08 Jul 1781
baptism/christening place: Maughold
father's name:John Looney
mother's name:Margt Christian

groom's name:John Looney
bride's name:Margaret Christian
marriage date:17 Aug 1780
marriage place:Maughold, Isle of Man,England

I suspect this family is from Ramsey.

do you agree, Philip ?
