
Manx Genealogy

Daniel Looney & Ann Cowin

Hello Philip,

Philip said,
The other point arises from your posting of 24/8/2011, 4:31 am. This relates to Daniel (son of Mgt H). Apart from the 1841 enumerator’s mistake, on which I agree with you, there is another mistake, in the 1823 marriage. If Daniel had been married to Ann Cowin first, he would not have been a bachelor in 1823 as stated. Presumably his fourth child Thomas, also succumbed early, as had the first three children, and then the mother, making Daniel a widower. Do you agree that the condition of bachelor was a mistake, or does it cast doubt on the identity of Daniel, husband of Ann Cowin?

Philip said,
Do you agree that the condition of bachelor was a mistake,

Averil replied,
Yes – I agree

the 3 marriages of Daniel Looney – Ann Cowin 1813 – Esther Christian 1823 – Jane Crellin 1840 are on this message board, I have given the link for each posting.

LONAN marriages .
" Daniel Looney of Maughold and Ann Cowin of this
parish were married in this Church by License this
6th Novr. 1813 by me : Hugh Stowell Vicar. This
marriage was solemnized between us : Daniel Looney
his X Ann Cowin her X
In the presence of Robert Corteen Thomas Quark "

ht tp://www.isle-of-man.com/genealogy/messageboard/manx_archive_2.pl?pro=search;pmd=sread;srchid=16635NTTwd9TsMPj8uHy1315427145;spage=2;sanc=518104;sbid=12;md=read;id=518268
(close gap ht tp)

Thanks, Mary.
That's interesting that Daniel was from Maughold, as expected, but also that one of the witnesses was Robert Corteen (who came from Maughold).
When John Looney & Margaret Hutchen married in Maughold on 18 Jan 1777 one of the witnesses was Thomas Corteen.
These were probably the parents of Bob's Daniel Looney - but not known whether this was the Daniel who married Ann Cowin. It would be good to know when and where she died. A mystery.

ht tp://www.isle-of-man.com/genealogy/messageboard/manx_archive_2.pl?pro=search;pmd=sread;srchid=16635NTTwd9TsMPj8uHy1315427145;spage=2;sanc=518104;sbid=12;md=read;id=518270
(close gap ht tp)

Patrick Marriage Register/
Daniel Looney Bachelor of the Parish of Maughold and
Esther Christian of this parish were married in this
Church by licence this 12 day of August 1823 .Per me
John Cottier [ Vicar ]
This marriage was solemnized between us Daniel
Looney his X mark. Hester Looney late Christian her
mark X In the presence of Thos. Gawne / Philip Cain
N.B. spelling [ s ] of bride's first name MM

ht tp://www.isle-of-man.com/genealogy/messageboard/manx_archive_2.pl?pro=search;pmd=sread;srchid=16635NTTwd9TsMPj8uHy1315427145;spage=2;sanc=518104;sbid=12;md=read;id=518134
(close gap ht tp)

Hi Bob,
As I said to Averil (somewhere!) I'm beginning to think that the "bachelor" when marrying Esther Christian was an error - written by a parish clerk in Patrick who didn't know Maughold Daniel Looney's background. We are running out of possible Daniels who could have married Ann Cowin - unless, of course, he wasn't bapt in Maughold.
There was the surviving twin who Averil mentioned: Daniel son of William Looney bapt Parish Church Maughold 8 Aug 1747 (no mother given).
Also Daniel Illegit son of William Looney/ Margaret Corkill bapt Parish Church 24 Mar 1734/35. (They married on 15 Jun 1735.)
Too old?

ht tp://www.isle-of-man.com/genealogy/messageboard/manx_archive_2.pl?pro=search;pmd=sread;srchid=16635NTTwd9TsMPj8uHy1315427145;spage=2;sanc=518104;sbid=12;md=read;id=518330
(close gap ht tp)
