
Manx Genealogy

Re: Margt Skillicorn als Clark Looney connection

Hello Lois and John,

I have for Bahee Lawson and Daniel Looney, what John has said - I only have bits and pieces on the LONAN Looney family so far.

John has - Bahee Lawson married Danl Looney snr 1700-01-07 at Lezayre.
and on the same day her daughter Mary Clarke married Danl Looney jnr.

is this NSS Land Sale - for - Daniel Looney jnr. married Mary Clark - it is in the same time frame - 1707.

NSS Maughold

Maughold 13

Jon Stole


Dan : Looney

Know all men by these prsents yt. I Jon Stole of KK Maughold
wth the full consent and Assent of my now wife Katrin Stole [Doe]
Change divers good Causes and valuable Considerations uss here
= unto moving but more especially for and in Consideration of
the just Sume of Seven Shills. Sterlln. to be paid from and att
the hands of my Lov : freinde Dan : Looney of ye parish of
KK Lonnan ;
as soon as the Worsppll. Officers Approbation or _
Allowance of the premises Doe Sell demise alienate and _
Estrange and pass over for ever ; from uss our Heirs Exseqtrs.
Adminstrs. and Assigns; and doe acknowledge to have (by these prsents
) Sold demised alienated Estranged and passed over for ever from
uss the abovesd. Jon & Katrin Stole ; our Heirs Exseqtrs. & c : unto him
ye foresd. Daniell Loony his Heirs Exseqtrs. Adminstrs. & c : One
parcell of Intack Lands Situated in KK Maughold of the annuall
or yearly rent of one Shilln. & commóly called called and
know by the name of Reyngerey ; to hold use occupie and enjoy
the same wth. all easemts. lyberties profitts commoditys or advan =
= tages yt might now appertain or hereafter may arrise or be =
= long to the same ; peacably & quietly for ever ; I ye sd. Jon
Stole do also oblidge my wife to secure and hold good the pr =
= mises unto ye foresd. Dan : Loony against the pretended right of
any person wt.soever ye Lord of ye Ieyle only excepted ; and to procure
the worsppll. officers Confirmation to the same ; to enter or cause to
be entered the sd. Loony’s name as true tennant for the prmises
and to doe all other thing or things nessessary for his ye sd. Loony
better assureance or title to the Same ; And further ye sd. Stole
doth oblidge himself to be of full power and abilyty to dispose
of the premises and to hold them Good (upon his own proper
Cost or expense) as aforesd. And for ye true performance of all &
singular ye prmises I the sd. Jon Stole doe firmly bind and oblidge
Myselfe Heirs Exseqtrs. Administ. and Assigns in ye pennalty and for =
= feiture of tenn pounds Sterlln. to be levied according to Lawe

Jon Stole his mrk x
Katrin Stole her mrkx

Signed & delivered
in presence of
as wittness our mrks this 15th Aprill 1707
Jon Wattleworth [junr]
Will Xtian mrk x

10th June 1707 At a sheading
Court then hold at Duglass
The above menconed Jo Stole & Katherin his wife came into
open Court & Acknowledged the above Bill of Saile to be their
voluntary Act & Deed upon wch. the same is allow’d [uss] & confirm’d
according to Law : By us

[O] Rowe
Robt [Mawdslley]
Jon Parr
Chris Parker