
Manx Genealogy

Re: marriage cert c 1844
In Response To: Re: marriage cert c 1844 ()

Yes,in 1851 all put as Castletown next door to the Shimmins (past help from this board). The John is aged 2 in 1851 census chr Oct 1848 - just John Kelly & Anne given as his parents on the list. Next child James chr April 1851 is not mentioned even though he was probably a few months old at the time of the census. I can't believe there is another John Kelly marrying an Ann in Braddan. So much for my hope that my Anne Mylrea was the Braddan one. I only have the Malew marriage in Nov 1844 when a witness was an Anne Shimmin. Again the Shimmin connection & the only Sophia chr at that time was a Sophia Shimmin (not Kelly) in Castletown to an Anne Shimmin & a John Kneale. An Anne Shimmin then marries a John Cain in Malew! So confusing for my brain ! I just can't find that tiny bit of thread that will solve Anne Mylrea's parents.