
Manx Genealogy

Re: T.H. Cowin
In Response To: Re: T.H. Cowin ()

I am descended from Thomas Cowin (1781-1861?), younger brother to Daniel Cowin who, I understand, inherited Ballacannell. Thomas' son Philip and family emigrated to Australia around 1851 from Ballagawne near Baldrine - the family were farming there. My late mother was a Cowin.

The posts give me great info on my family's early days but I would love to know what happened to Ballacannell after Daniel? Did his son John or grandson John Wade sell or lose the property?

If anyone can help on this question (or on many other surrounding the Cowins of Ballacannell) I would be very appreciative. I can supply considerable info on the Cowins downunder.

Cheers, Ross of Canberra

PS I visited the Isle in 2006 and what a little gem it is!