
Manx Genealogy


I was keen to find out when the new iMuseum would actually be opening, having seen references to it on this board. It seems to be impossible to track down any mention of it searching on Isleofman.com, even via one of the tabs at the top of this page. www.gov.im returns 'No results' through their own search but if you use their Bing search it's about the 4th result. If you use the A-Z index on gov.im, 'H' has 'Heritage Archives' which brings up a link, don't look under 'I' !, under 'M' 'Museum' and 'Manx Museum' bring up the old page but 'MNH Library & Archives' has a link to iMuseum. You can't find anything searching on isleofman.com News.

Searching on Google ("iMuseum Douglas") did bring up results, including some, perversely, for www.gov.im



I hope it will be a fantastic resource and well subscribed, but their marketing could be better!

I see it's only going to be open Wed - Sat, which is a disadvantage for people like me who tend to only have very brief visits.