Found following will today - John Cain 1732 Archideaconal book 1 #35 (?on lds 0106214) -
d 18 feb 1731;fa adam caine;bro patk;bro-i-law wm christian;sis mary + joney,elinor(exex) w/o wm kelly;witt thos cannell (also pledge with wm christian smith)
this would match children of adam + ellinor steon or stephen
Wm Christian is I think the husband of Cath Cain m Michael 17271112 when wm xtn of ballaugh cc of oristal
Oristal is not part of Bishops Demense but on the north west boundary - it is midway between old ballaugh and kk michael churches - the kk michael boundary does an abrupt turn north to include orridale within kirk michael