
Family History Society

Re: Jon/ Jony/ Joney ?
In Response To: Re: Jon/ Jony/ Joney ? ()

I believe that I have seen the Jony, Joney, name in male searches when the should have been in female. I thought the name Joney was the Manx name for Judith? Correct me if I am wrong.

I have found a family name which would normally be expected to be female, and in our family, along with others, as it is a battle name, has been used as male. The first baby to be called Alma in the Dougherty line has been labelled femal in the IGI but actually in the original records, it DOES NOT SAY. I cannot find the death, or any further mention. This baby appeared to have died, and its twin lived. Descendants, male, have been called Alma. A trip around the Borough Cemetery will show other male Almas. But the IGI reseacher apparently assumed female.