Hildesley Road runs between Somerset Road and Bray Hill, and the houses are an unusual design of red brick terraces. Slack does not give a year of construction, but, suggests early 1900s. Quote: 'Named after the much-loved Bishop Hildesley who was mainly responsible for the publication of the Bible in the Manx Language, the road was laid out in the early years of this century on a part of Ballaquayle known as 'Siberia' as if to demonstrate its remoteness from the rest of the town.'
The next road up, parallel to Hildesley Road, is Lancaster Road, also in the same design. Slack refers to its being built at the turn of the century (this of course being the 20th century).
Malvern Road (renamed in 1948) from Malvern Terrace was laid out in the late 1890s, and this is parallel with Hildesley Road, on the lower side. All in all, three roads, 4 terraces. Malvern Road is yellow brick, built by John Christian Cain, who built Hilary Park in the same style, and this was around 1898. I don't know if he built the red brick houses or not. Malvern Road stood alone and could be seen from miles around. Clearly it was the first of this section to be built.
I live a little further down the road, and my terrace was built in 1898, but
was not, at that time, within the town of Douglas. Therefore, it is possible that the above were not also. Most of this information is from Streets of Douglas by Slack.
I think it is safe to assume that Hildesley Road was new around the date you are querying.