Hello Anne: Thanks for your email. Percy Harpour was my mother's grandfather. Percy's daughter Florence Ada was my Mom's mother. I can fill in some details of Percy's life here in Canada and would love to know more about him and his family before he came to Canada. My mom was recently recounting how her great uncle in Auckland New Zealand would send the newspaper to Percy once a month and that the funny papers would be wrapped separately with her name on them. My mom is 85 now and cannot remember her great uncle's name. I am assuming this would have been your great grandfather. I would love to know more, could you send me your email address? I can fill you in on what I know. I have to get info together so that it makes sense. Vanessa(of this thread) is also waiting on me to get details to her. I am moving this week, but will try to get what I have together in the next week or two. Merry Christmas.