Braddan Burial Register
Grave #2871
Edward 1 buried 26 Dec 1860
John 42 buried 27 May 1858
William age 1 buried 16 Jan 1861
William age 1 buried 21 Feb 1865
Sarah Louisa 14 wks buried 4 Mar 1865
Walter Stanley 4 mo buried 15 Nov 1871
Braddan New Burial Ground
Section One Block 5
Sacred to the memory of JOHN B... who died at Douglas ...25th 1858 age 4... years
... brother
I think you already have:
Braddan New Burial Ground
Section One, Block 2
In Affectionate Remembrance of MARY ANN the beloved wife of HENRY WESLEY BELL who departed this life December 31st 1876 aged 42 years
also HERBERT WESLEY BELL who died Oct 25th 1877 aged 12 years & 8 months
also FRANCES SARAH BELL who died Nov 7th 1877 aged 8 years & 9 mo
also ALICE MAUDE BELL who died Nov 9th 1877 aged 3 years and 4 months
also in Loving Remembrance of Henry Wesley Bell husband of the above who departed this life April 7th 1890 aged 63 years