
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: thomas cain mi
In Response To: thomas cain mi ()

Braddan MI
New Yard Section 1
In affectionate remembrance of Thomas William
second son of Thomas and Mary Ann Cain who
died 23rd January 1881 aged 2 years and 9 months
also Thomas Arthur who died 25th March 1890
aged 9 years
also the above named Thomas Cain Baker who died
18th June 1908 aged 69 years
also Mary Ann Cain wife of the above who died
19th Dec 1908 aged 64 years

The above Thomas was ch 12 May 1839 Douglas s/o Mathias Caine and Catherine Ann Craine.
This is the Caine line of Jim Allen who posts on this board and his sister, Betty Rose.

I have more info on this line backwards

I see Thomas has a will--I don't have it. If someone could look it up, it would hopefully tell us about his children. I assume, Liz, you're interested in John Henry?
CAIN, Thomas 1908 Dgs 82 0106560

Goodwin's Scraps--John Henry Cain was a flour dealer in Douglas. He married Eliza Ann. ( I don't know her surname) Children: John Joseph 1901, Lilian Gertrude 1904. John Henry was wounded in war 1911.

I think this is his MI
Douglas Borough Cemetery
Block N
In affectionate remembrance of John Henry CAIN (Harry) of this town yeast merchant who died June 29th 1929 aged 53 years At Rest
and his sister Mona CASHIN who died May 4th 1969 aged 81 years
