
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: "in-laws" not so defined.
In Response To: Re: "in-laws" not so defined. ()

Hi Frances,

Many thanks for your email, but I think we have a big problem now. I checked
the wills for Mary Casement, als Thomason who died in 1729 and her husband
Wm Casement who died in 1733, and his will put me on to the daughters from
the first marriage, and his first wife seems to have been, Jane Knipe, a
widow from Malew. WC married her on 30 Nov 1708. Prior to her marriage to
John Knipe on 4 Nov 1702, she had been a Wattleworth. Daughters Jane anc
Cath were christened in 1710 and 1712 and Mary in Nov 1717 but was buried 12
days later. According to the malew register, Jane was buried at Malew on 9
Nov 1718.

If Casement married Mary Thomasson on 30 May 1718, not 1719 as I had
identified, we have a distinct problem, as marrying wife No 2 when No 1 is
still around is regarded as bad form ! Do you have any thoughts on this, as
the Knipe marriage seems sound enough to me.

I have not seen Jane Casement's will yet, as I ran out of time when I was on
the island. Indeed the Casement conundrum was the last thing I was working
on before we left. Do you have the 1719 Jane will on your site ?

best wishes
