Hi John,
Donna and others who have the IOMFHS published transcripts kindly look up MIs, and if you put the request in the subject line they are more likely to spot it.
Maughold burials:
James CRELLIN, 72, Glen Auldin, Lezayre, Mar 27 1862
Thomas Quiggin MOORE, 16, Glen Auldin, Lezayre Aug 17 1864
Thomas MOORE, 13, Glen Aulden, Oct 14 1866
James MOORE 57 Glen Aulden buried Feb 1 1867
Thomas Alured MOORE 92 years Hazelmere, Glen Auldyn, Lezayre 20 Jan 1960.
Manx Genealogy Archive 2 is maintained by isleofman.com
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