Following up on the enormous amount of help I received from my last posting, I'm now trying to track down Thomas Cain's parents.
In his will he mentions his brother William on the Isle of Man. As his son, Nathaniel, was often referred to as a Manxman, even though he was born in Liverpool well after his father was established there as a merchant tailor, I assume Thomas was born in the IoM. I've looked in the IGI (I'm a bit short of resources on the south coast!) and found two couples who had sons Thomas and William born around the right time - does anyone know whether these can be eliminated or even confirm one of them as the right pair? (As Thomas was 58 when he died on 16 Apr 1814 he must have been born between 17 Apr 55 and 15 Apr 56)
John Caine and Catherine Corlett had a son William christened 26 Jul 1752 Kirk Michael and a Thomas Christened 11 Apr 1756.
Thomas Cain and Elinor Leece had sons Thomas ch 4 May 56 (may have been born a month earlier?) and William 12 Jun 57, both at Malew.
I'm sure there are others but I just haven't found them!