I removed an earlier message which contained address + telephone number of a third party - I post here the redacted message - PLEASE think about the difficulties posting other's personal details can cause:
I've got a lot of Leece family history from a Mr. Harry Leece.. It has been some years since I spoke to him and he sounded quite elderly, let us hope he is still around. but he was on the computer then. I DID have his E-mail address, but it is put away so safely I can't find it!
However, he sent me individual charts of the Leece families and their descendants, - 8 charts of the children and their descendants, many up to the early 1900's. Many of your names you give are replicated, which they did to honour fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles. aunts ,etc., but there is too much of a coincidence, maybe you've got to go back a further generation. Most of the replicated names are only out of date for a year or two but one is spot-on!.
I don't know where you live, thanks to the anonymity of the "net" but in the mid 1800's many of the Leece family emigrated to America. I have South Dakota, Dodgesville, something that looks like (K) or (R)ene Rock. Ida , married 1871, Union Mills (also a place in the I.O.M.) in Iowa, b.1871. Many more leads in America!.
Wherever you are, let me know.
Sorry, tomorow and the next day {16th and 17th I''m super busy. Then we leave for England on Monday morning for my Auntie's 100t birthday party on the 20th of May. I won't be able to do a catch-up until probably the 26th or 27th of May, but Ill start checking up on the Leeces again then
Regaeds, Susan (Sue) Leece.