
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Elusive burial
In Response To: Re: Elusive burial ()

Only through the IGI which didn't come up with anything for T & C Corjeag.

Searching with Cavendish in England is not usually very easy - dominated by a whole lot of a VERY different family. There was one Edwin s/o of Thomas Cavendish & Charlotte in 1827 which is in the right time frame but it was in Oxford. With my limited approach - IGI/Google (!) - I could find no trace of Edwin/Edward or Thomas after that.

I have seen someone else's research that has Thomas Corjeag, husband of Charlotte Mylecharane as a weaver. But that doesn't really help.

Oh yes, just checked Ballure on Manxnotebook and he's not there, but thanks for the suggestion.