
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Moore-Hampton help

I have been tracing the Moore branch of my family. I had tracked them to the John Moore/Mary Quill marriage of 1792 in Lonan and was under the impression that John Moore's parents were Thomas Moore and Jane Hampton. However - I just read the will of a Jane (Hampton) Moore wife of Thomas Moore who died in Lonan in March of 1766. She obviously died in childbirth as she leaves a bequest to her unnamed son. The names and dates all fit BUT there is an added note from 1785 acknowledging the receipt of his mother's legacy by her only child THOMAS!!! I can only conclude that either Thomas became known as John before his marriage to Mary Quill or there were two Thomas Moore/Jane Hampton marriages in Lonan at that time or, most likely I am afraid, I have made a big mistake. Does anyone have any information that would clarify this?