
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Manx Apprentice Records
In Response To: Manx Apprentice Records ()


I must have been asleep as I haven't been aware of your connection with the Quines of the Place. THere are a few scattered documents in the records which relate to apprenticeship - in 35 years of research I might have seen 10 - 20 before about 1800. Interestingly one of these in Douglas seems to concern the Arderry Quines which are your line. There are no government rolls or registers. However a few Manx lads appear in the Freedom Rolls of Chester and Dublin being apprenticed there by Manx fathers. One unseen influence of apprenticeship indentures was that a lad could not marry while apprenticed, this was apparently why my grandmother's uncle John Teare (The Tory) of Oastlands Andreas was born so long before his parents married.

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Manx Apprentice Records
Re: Manx Apprentice Records