
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Wonderful New Year
In Response To: Re: Wonderful New Year ()

Dear Ms. Coakley,

Truly you have stated, we have many, as you say Isle of Mann has, and I too feel all on this good earth through transitions to may different homelands , many have brought their traditions along. I merely was stating that I hope that the jewel , Isle of Mann, does not loose it's beauty and lovely farms, lands , for progress does bring change and I pray I have not offended any, I was on the web-site of Jon Worsham, and saw all the beauty of the Isle and it is breathtaking, and I was making a statement of how I hope the land stays that way. I am aware that the board is for genealogy research, but many do wish each, wellness to families and birthdays, and friendly conversations. As stated I was not going to write to the board , but it would have been so time consuming to have shown the care and love to many who have been so kind to me. I am quite sorry if I have offended anyone. I thank you for e-mailing me about the book and I honor you and you historical contributions for through them I have learned so much about the Ilse, it's people and customs and so again I honor you.

I hope you have a wonderful New Year and lovely evening.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa