extract from my transcription with notes are to likely bapts (tab sep fields)
1 Onc.3.3.13 QUIRK Robert 60 h farmer ballacoan
Onc.3.3.13 QUINE Mathew 60 ag lab ?mathias bur bra Bra 18470320 age 70;
Onc.3.3.13 QUIRK Isabella 55 ?Mar 17830504 isabella quine
Onc.3.3.13 QUIRK Robert 25 ag lab Bra 18160519
Onc.3.3.13 QUIRK John 22 Bra 18181122
Onc.3.3.13 QUIRK Isabella 15 Bra 18260129
Onc.3.3.13 QUIRK Nan 10 Bra 18291206 ann louisa
Manx Genealogy Archive 2 is maintained by isleofman.com
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