
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

quine descendents

if you have any connection to anyone on this line I would love to hear from you and compare notes

Descendants of THOMAS QUINE


sp: MARGARET CREER (m.1744)
2. ROBERT QUINE (c.3 Nov 1747-Bradden,Isle of Man;d.1809-Onchan,Isle of Man.)

sp: MARY CLAGUE (m.16 Jan 1768)
3. THOMAS QUINE (b.1 Jan 1770-Onchan,Isle of Man.)

sp: MARY MASON (m.1795)
4. ROBERT QUINE (b.16 Aug 1795-Onchan,Isle of Man.)

sp: ELIZABETH KELLY (m.15 Mar 1816)
5. Thomas QUINE (b.16 Mar 1817-Malew,Isle of Man;d.26 Jun 1817-Malew,Isle of Man)
5. Elizabeth QUINE (b.5 Dec 1819-Malew,Isle of Man)
5. Thomas QUINE (b.3 Mar 1822-Malew,Isle of Man)
5. Robert QUINE (c.13 Mar 1825-Malew,Kirkpatrick,Isle of man)

sp: Ellen STANFORD
6. Robert Stanford QUINE (b.25 Mar 1849-Andreas,Isle of Man;d.19 May 1934)

sp: Kate MOTZ (m.1874)
5. John QUINE (b.13 Mar 1825-Malew,Isle of Man)
5. WILLIAM QUINE (b.11 Mar 1827-Malew,Kirkpatrick,Isle of man)

sp: CATHERINE CLAGUE (b.1821-Lezayre,Ramsay,Isle of man;m.1850;d.1899-Toxeth Park,Liverpool,L,England)
6. GEORGIE EDITH QUINE (b.1857-Liverpool,Lancs,Eng;d.1891-Liverpool,Lancs,Eng)

sp: JOSEPH WILLIAM UNSWORTH (b.31 May 1857-Ormskirk,Lancs,Eng;m.20 Aug 1878)
6. William H QUINE (b.1859-Liverpool,Lancs,Eng)
6. Harriet A QUINE (b.1861-Liverpool,Lancs,Eng)

6. Eleanor M QUINE (b.1866-Lazayre,Isle of Man)
6. Helen QUINE (b.1867-Ramsay,Isle of man)

sp: Edward FAIRBANKS (b.1866-Ireland;m.1896)
5. Henry QUINE (b.26 Oct 1829-Malew,Isle of Man)
2. Gilnoe QUINE (c.28 Oct 1753-Bradden,Isle of Man)
2. William QUINE (c.28 Oct 1753-Bradden,Isle of Man)
2. William QUINE (c.3 Jun 1754-Bradden,Isle of Man)
2. Patrick QUINE (c.20 Aug 1758-Bradden,Isle of Man)
2. John QUINE (c.19 Oct 1760-Bradden,Isle of Man)

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quine descendents
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