Eric Price has spent a lot of time researching Robert of 1630. He posts on this web board and may be able to supply you with new information.
Suggest posting your e-mail address or forward to me at ( and I will forward onwards if he gets in touch. I do not have Eric's current address.
Also if you e-mail me with what you have on your Quine family I will see if I can supply you with any additional information.
My question last year about a son Nicholas was based on the Will below:
Nicholas Quine d 31 jul 1732; Will mentions: son & heir john;dau ellin,jony;s-i-l thomas hampton;gdau isabel cokhill,wife alive, s-i-l paul corkill;sons nich & robt execs (Will source: Manx Note Book)
Will of Isabel 1743 Braddan- mentions Joney Cain als Quine;d-i-l Joney Quine al Moor;Charles Cain h/o Joney dec'd +John Quine h/o Jony
This is the probable family structure for this family: (? = not validated)
NICHOLAS QUINE born 1666 in Ballig, Christening: 20 Jan, Died 31 Jul 1732 in Braddan
married ISABEL STEAN 05 Jun 1694 in Braddan (died16 Mar 1742/43)
ISABEL QUINE, b. 05 May 1695, Braddan, (married Paul Corkill?)
JONY QUINE, b. 15 Jan 1698, Braddan, d 1743 married Charles Cain
MARY QUINE, b. 27 Apr 1701, Braddan
JOHN QUINE, b. 07 Jul 1702, Braddan married Joney Moor
Nicholas ? born Braddan 14 Feb 1709
? Robert?
?Ellin/ ?Ellizabeth d 1763 married 28 Mar 1727 Thomas Hampton
Other notes:
One daughter married Paul Corkill (Possibly Isabel?, there is an LDS entry for this at Santan)
One daughter married Thomas Hampton, his wife was Elizabeth Quine, possibly same person as Ellin?) they married 28 Mar 1727, Elizabeth Hampton als Quine died 10 Nov 1763