
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: liverpool
In Response To: liverpool ()

i have been as folks will know here that ive been looking for my late dads mother catherine cain born 1900 in douglas i know all up to 1901 census, ive been told that she left my dad with edward ( mungie ) crennell when he was 5 or 6 ( he was born dec 1921 ) he is said to be his father but dont know, now im told she went to liverpool or dublin, i have found catherine cain married james kerr liverpool 1930,,,, catherine cain married thomas cameron 1928,, catherine cain married james till 1924 , i am trying to find out if it is her / her father was john thomas cain who was buried 1902 braddan but no deathcert ,mother julia cain ( nee comish ) died 1927, so what i want is to see if certs tell us info on her parants etc

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Re: liverpool
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Re: liverpool
Re: liverpool