
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Edward J,Eleanor A Garrett & family

Couldn't resist looking them up on 1901 census, even though they've got nothing to do with me! Robert W. seems to be listed as Walter:

RG13.5307 f.61 p.21 sch.137
Minorca, Laxey, Lonan
Edward Garrett, H, m, 38, Lead ore dresser, born Ramsey
Eleanor ", w, m, 38, born Lezayre
Willie ", son, s, 16, Lead ore dresser, b. Laxey
Walter ", son, s, 14, Lead ore dresser, b. Laxey
Daniel ", son, 9, b. Laxey
Joseph ", son, 4, b. Laxey
James ", son, 1, b. Laxey

Good luck.

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Edward J,Eleanor A Garrett & family
Re: Edward J,Eleanor A Garrett & family
Re: Edward J,Eleanor A Garrett & family