Hello to All,
I am the new kid. I am trying to uncover the origins of my first American ancestor, Richard Skinner born 1639-40, emmigrated to New Jersey in 1665, married Susanna Poulain in May 1666 in Elizabeth New Jersey. He was a carpenter/joiner by trade and served the Carteret household on the Isle of Jersey. This is where I hit the brick wall. During my research on his origins, I came across a reference to the Isle of Man as a possible birthplace for him. The e-mail address for the reference was no good. Not much has come from posting to the Channel Islands. There was a Captain Skinner who served Sir George Carteret and told Sir George of Charles I beheading in 1651. My Richard may be related to this Captain Skinner but I have nothing to prove this assertion. My query is with regard to Skinners on the Isle of Man during this time frame of 1638-1642. Also would be curious about any Scottish presence during the aforementioned time but not later than 1603. Appreciate any leads in this regard. E-mail: paulo@mcn.net.
Many Thanks,
Paul Skinner