
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Forum updated

This forum is now running the latest "bug fix" version which should hopefully see an end to all of the problems that we have suffered from recently.

The other boards on this site are still running the previous version as

a) I want to see how well the new version holds up and

b) the database corruption problem only affects high traffic boards and the others were OK

What I would ask is that is anyone notices an "(Index Rebuilt)" message appearing at the top of the main page around where is says "Message Index" could they let me know at admin@isle-of-man.com as this means that there is still a problem.

I have also enabled the option "retain formatting" option on the post message section. This posts the message in a monospaced format and may be useful for those who need lay out their posing in a precise manner, e.g. columns, etc.

