
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

William Kennish 1799 - 1862

Hi .............

I am seeking the burial location of William Kennish February 24, 1799 to March 19, 1863.

He was a career, and retired British Naval Officer who passed away in New York City. I can determine that he did die, and was then taken to a cemetery in that City ..... who has a record of receiving and holding his body, but then there are no subsequent burial records, or grave.

I believe that he may have been returned to England for burial in a Naval Cemetery there.

Can you offer me any assistance ? He would have come back to England during 1862, on likely a British ship, for burial in a military cemetery there.

Please see http://www.kennish.com/william for his very interesting story.

And thank you in advance.

Regards, John
Westbrook, Connecticut USA