
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Update to this forum

Visitors to the forum today may have noticed a few changes going on as the BBS system was updated to the latest version. The results of this upgrade are -

The separate message archives no longer exist. Instead of this board being set to hold 500 mesaages and the older ones being moved into the archives, all messages are now held in one single database. This means that a search will now find any matching message, even if it was previously archived.

The board defaults to showing messages posted within the past 2 months. This can be altered by selecting "Set Preferences" on the main page and then choosing your preferred display settings. If you accept cookies then these settings will be remembered. Note that setting to view a large number of messages will result in it taking a longer time for the main page to be downloaded.

The board should be a bit quicker as the coding is more efficient. How noticable this is may will depend on other factors such as network traffic, etc. outside of our control.



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ADMIN! Update to this forum
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