
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: Mary Radcliffe
In Response To: Re: Mary Radcliffe ()

Hi Peter,

Carol (Radcliffe researcher) says she found one 1 child in the IGI: Robert Frederick Quirk bpt 25 May 1848 s/o Robert Quirk and Mary Allgood.
Robert Frederick Wirral Vol XX pg 369 Jun 1848, poss marr Dec 1881 Brentford Middlesex Jane Douglas Dixon Vol 3a pg 129, poss death Robert Frederick Quirk Mar 1907 Brentford Middlesex Vol 3a pg 79.
She suggests that it might be worth your while to order those certs for birth and marriage to see who the parents are.
[Can be ordered online.]

She says that Malvina triggers no matches, and she did not find Robert Frederick in the census in Middlesex.

My own suggestion is to obtain Malvina's death cert, if you don't already have it (and I should have suggested this before), because it should have full details of her parents and where she was born, as well as numerous other details. Also her marr cert., if she married.
If these details were not filled in, have you tried looking for her birth under the nurse/father's- future-wife's name?

I've just had a look at the NSW b/d/ms, even though I don't know her married name, and this looks like her death in 1934?
Registration Number Last Name Given Name(s) Father's Given Name(s) Mother's Given Name(s) District
As you can see this gives her mother's name as Margaret, and should give her full name on the cert., which you can order online. It looks likely that her mother was Margaret Robertson, b. Glascow 10 July 1824, who later married Robert (from your previous message), and that her birth could have been in Scotland if not found in England. - But the Oz certs should answer these questions. http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/familyHistory/search.htm
