Dear Donna,
Thanks that is brilliant! In one message you helped me with wondering if I was going off on a tangent adding people to our family tree that didn't belong!
I have a postcard with SeaView Villa that Thomas and Margaret lived in with the name Mrs Teare on it, this must be Lilian Kelly from Margaret's first marriage. With a photo of my husband's father as a young man in front of SeaView villa looking like he was on holiday.
Also I had found that Eunice had become a widow by 1861 census, but I could not find details of John's death or what had become of Sara Jane, Margaret's sister, of whom there were 9 children.
Do you know why the dates don't tally with what I found on Brian's website? Just so I know what dates to send for the certificates.
Regards Diane
PS This is so addictive!