
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: SS Ellan Vannan ship's cook ~ my gGd

sorry no problem - mere interest in modern 'folk lore' I was hoping you (& Terence) had some written evidence as this serves as a date marker whereas folk memories are difficult to date - there was an interesting paper written by I think Yvonne Cresswell (it was on the Centre for manx Studies website but since they re-organised it I can't find it) on this subject of 'modern folklore & beliefs' - the 'long tails' often quoted looks more likely due to some popular author putting idea into wider circulation, likewise when I researched Manx Bonnags (traditional food ?) I found the recipe as pushed today cannot date much further back than mid 19th century (same true of kippers tho salted/dried herrings have a much longer history)