While going through the burial record on Brian Lawsons website looking for Philip Quayle of Ballaugh buried 17/6/1858. I decided to loook further for his father William Quayle who married Margaret Cowley,when? Idont know yet. I came to Three burials for that name in
Maughold 1st August 1790
8th February 1804
16 February 1804
18 January 1831
Ballaugh 23 May 1809
21January 1811
8 July 1819
21 February 1819
8 November 1821
15 September 1829
How can I find out whichif any are his burial date is there anyother record I need
to search
I also searched for Isabella Quayle(Kermeen)wife of Philip Quayle c1770 and found two burials
Isabella Quayle B1778 buried Lezayre 7 June 1853--------Quayle.
Isabella Quayle Buried Maughold 10 Oct 1856.
Which is correct? if any.