The 1881 census has
William Boyles, head, married, 25. railway signalman, Belfast
Margaret, wife, 25, Ramsey
William J, son, 1, Whitehaven
Edward, son, 2 months, Ramsey
Mary J, daughter, 3, Ramsey
On my web site you will see the birth of Edward on 31 Jan 1881 registered at Ramsey, parents William & Margaret Christian
1851, Ramsey, district 2, schedule 145, Lonney Court
Edward Christian, head, married, 48, labourer, Maughold
Jane, wife, married, 40, Maughold
William, son, 7, Ramsey
John, son, unmarried, 22, no occupation, Maughold
Evan, son, 9, scholar, Lezayre
Margaret, daughter, 5, Lezayre
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