Hello. I haven't visited this web site in a long time; I just checked and my last posting was just about a year ago.
I just thought I would say that I am still interested in the extended family of John and Esther (?) CORKILL / CORKHILL who married in the Lezayre Parish, IOM, in 1822.
I am descended from their son, Evan CORKILL, born there in 1827, who was reported to have been a Mariner.
Most of the information I have is posted on this Board from June 2003; haven't any new information since then. (That's when my first grandchild was born.) :o)
(Oh, except that there is a question as to whether Evan CORKILL married Elizabeth (QUAYLE??) in 1852 or 1858 in Liverpool. Later Census information in Liverpool shows that they only had the 5 children born from 1860 to 1871 - who later became "child migrants" and were "sent to Canada" in 1874.)
My father's grandmother was born Mary Elizabeth CORKILL in 1860 in Liverpool.